Wednesday, May 21, 2008

aku mengenal seni

pe itu seni....klw dulu kawan ak ckap, seni tu bunga, gak orang menilai camtu eak.stakat ni yang ak tau,seni tu sebuah work yang indah,seni tu x tido malam tok siapkan artwork bagi presnt kat lecturererere....sakit hati ade,panas pown ader n takut x der mark pown ad.ha,tu la seni...kahkahkah....bkn senang nak jadi senang wo....da setaun ak stdi menatang alah seni ni,nek muak pown ader.drafting,2 taun ngadap.....nek meluat.smpai ble camni.(ceh...spe suh mintak).seni...seni b...senibina...senibinabadan..ak dok kat kwantan ni bkan je ak stdy architecture,malah stdy figure architecture skali.korank tau,ak nek gemok dok kat cni.blh kte staun ni 20 kg ak nek...mlampau gile.klw dlu cam mat pet, skunk cam alfdin shauq3.....agak teruja mendenganya.hahahha...emmm...banyak sangat merapik nie.x der,ak nk introduce jer kat korang ak ni amik architecture.tu je....hahaahhahhahahahhhhahahaaahhhahahahahahhahahahahahhahhhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahaahhahahahahhahahah

my familia

actly,ak btl2 berbanga la sbb ak dilahirkan didalam simple,tnp segan silu ni la ak.....

hahahaha...hensem kn mamat nieh....
malas la nk cite...

ha,yang kat bawah ni mak ak lak...

mak ak ni penyabar....die ckup sayang kat ak.n slalu puji ak ni hensem....

tang ni lak,abang ak.nk kter ensem maco,ak lebih sket.die ni yang tengah2 la.....haaahahahah

ni je la yang ak ade pic.

bpak ak,lpe lak nk amik.t ak ltak pic bebesar khas tok bapak ak.
jgn kecik ati ye pak...huhuuu

Architecture is the art and science of designing and constructing buildings and other physical structures. A wider definition often includes the design of the total built environment, from the macro level of how a building integrates with its surrounding manmade landscape (see town planning, urban design, and landscape architecture) to the micro level of architectural or construction details and, sometimes, furniture. The term "Architecture" is also used for the profession of providing architectural services

basicly,that pe yang tetulis kat jaingan,tapi hakikatnya tidak lah sefomal yang tertulis tesebut.hal ini kerana,semua orang mampu menilai kesenian seswatu architecture dengan mata kasar dan dengan pandangan tersendiri.

bagi ak,bidang ini merupakan perlaburan.sebagai seorang pelajar pengamal architecture, ak percaya dengan penilaian oleh semua orang,tapi ak juga percaya tidak semua mampu untuk melakukan.pandai menilai,cuba buat...nk tetongeng.pecayalah.hahahahha....

for the intro, ak nk share la ngan member2 ak,mak ayah ak,datuk nenek ak,tok nyang ak,n semua la dari keturunan ak bout story ak sebagai stdnt architecture kat college yang ak benci tapi terpaksa...huhuhu


Kolej SHAHPUTRA, formerly known as Institute Fitra, was incorporated on 1st February 1998 and is wholly owned by Graduate Achievement Studies Centre Sdn Bhd (100% Bumiputera Equity). It officially changed its name on 28 August 1998 due to the changing needs and dynamic global aims. The main objective is to provide top quality education and training.

Kolej SHAHPUTRA started its operations in April 1998 in Kuantan. Its first intake comprised of 17 students from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) undertaking the Matriculation TESL program. Later, Kolej SHAHPUTRA moved its operations to the royal town of Pekan due to the increase in the student population.

Through effective marketing strategies and the high quality education provided by the college, as well as support from various quarters, the college enrolment increased to 4,000 students and 218 staff, as on 1st August 2003.

To accommodate the increase in the number of students, and as a prelude to the setting up of its new main campus, the college move its operations to Indera Mahkota, Kuantan.

University Twinning College